“Native” Content Marketing


Nowadays, there is a huge cultural change in the field of marketing. It can be noticed if you look at where our focus is focused.
Get out of the everyday life of conscious thinking and give value to your customers. Try talking to them. Why Do People Use Tumblr? Because they want animated gifs. Then it’s your task to give them animated gifs.

Treat with respect to any social network your customers use.

You should be aware that if you publish the same content on your Facebook fan page where you have 1000 fans and your Pinterest account where you have 1000 followers, the results will be completely different. Therefore, you should respect the reason why customers use a particular social network.

Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter … all are completely different and people use them precisely because of their different uses and content. Facebook is meant to connect users, Pinterest has Pin interesting content, Tumblr stands out for its gifs, Twitter is great for hot topics at the moment, Instagram, we already know, sharing beautiful photos.

That’s why you need to tell a specially created story on each platform you use. Create different content that will be tailored to answer the reason your customers use the selected social network. Learn how to become a master in creating good content that will be appropriate for every social network you use and will also transfer the message you want your clients to hear.

Context is the king

Of course the content is important, but the context is the main one! Sometimes you will have a really big challenge to create content that will be designed for as many people as possible. Therefore, the best solution is to dedicate more detail to your target audience if you want to create exactly designed content that will attract customers to your brand.

In the last few years, the terms “story” and “storytelling” are often used, when marketers want to announce the next big thing or when they want to sound cool.

When I analyze the “native conhttps://blog.brainster.co/native-content-marketing/tent marketing” campaigns for most of the advisers, my conclusion is that they do not exactly know exactly what an authentic story means and tell a story. And every time they think of an authentic story they actually think of a plain ad.

Why? Because every time someone does something that resembles marketing, there is always a marketing goal that is related to what it wants to achieve. And this goal most often is actually selling their product or service. To achieve this, their mindset directs them to add call-to-action in their campaigns. And every time when you add a call to action for a specific purpose and you implement it all in the story you want to convey, it’s no longer a story telling, but an ad creation.

Native Content Marketing is a kind of art

You must know how to sell without having to get someone to buy from you. You need to be able to tell an authentic story with which people will connect emotionally, and in the second place you will position what your brand stands for.

Native content marketing has the potential to be of great value in monetizing online and mobile marketing content as well as the natural flow of the evolutionary development of digital advertising. But only if you know what you are doing.

Slowly but surely, the budgets intended for “native” advertising and content marketing are growing every day and have the potential to cross the budgets intended for display advertising.

What is “native” content marketing?

There are really different definitions for this term, but the most basic one: “native” content marketing is the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant and consistent content through the use of strategic marketing techniques, in order to gain a clear audience, while aiming to Make a profit in a way that will change or improve consumer behavior.

Content marketing is a continuous process that is best integrated into the full marketing strategy. His focus is on having the medium for which he is created.

To create “native” advertising you need creative skills and if you carry it out properly, you can have great benefits for your brand, otherwise it can be really damaging to your business.

According to research conducted by the Mobile Marketing Association in 2015, mobile “native” ads have a 10 times better result and attract 3 times more attention than display ads. The survey also showed consumers prefer mobile “native” ads, reaching 23% better results than mobile display ads.

Unlike the operation of the dextop, where you have the freedom to do more things at once and you can open multiple windows and apps at once, the smaller screen on your mobile phones can display less content. This is the reason why “native” mobile ads have the advantage of attracting consumers’ attention and then directing them deeper into the campaign you have created for that purpose.

For example, I would like to point out The Onion and BuzzFeed, which managed to incorporate “native” advertising, and to offer fun and interesting content that has value to be read and shared.

Develop a partnership with brands and agencies that reflect your views and interests of your audience. If you have a blog dedicated to cosmetics, there is no need or purpose to post content designed for a construction company, no matter what the money will offer you. Simply that approach is wrong. Make sure that your “native” content is appropriate for both you and your audience.

You can really learn a lot from “native” content marketing on Instagram. There are a number of brands that know how to do it the right way. By publishing only one picture, they manage to deliver the message to their brand and at the same time maintain the spirit of the platform without compromising the “native” content of Instagram.

Create entertaining, personalized and well-targeted content!


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