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There is a saying that no project or task has failed because of too much communication, but from too little communication between the freelancer and the client.

Apart from the importance of communication throughout the entire period without any interruption, it is also important to be open and sincere. So apart from quantity, and the quality of communication is an important factor. The client must never suspect that something is wrong on his side to endure your communication.

Active communication means actively listening to the client and his requirements. Be concentrated and write down even the smallest trifles that after you realize the client will realize that they have been heard. You will be surprised at his reaction when he sees that what he’s looking for is incorporated into the design itself.

Ask questions, many questions. Everything you think will help you, no matter how you sound unnecessarily, can be crucial in the direction of work afterwards. Even more so if you have a live meeting with the client, not just online. Sometimes, if you do not carry a notebook and a pen, simply plug your dictaphone into your cell and listen to it at home, you will be surprised with all the details told among the lines.

Regular updates for the work process. If you have a new interesting idea, share it immediately, do not wait just to write official e-mails. This way you will let the client know that you are working constantly, not just how much to get his money.

Sincerity is a feature that you must practice continuously. If the client has impossible requirements, immediately tell him “no” and why. Do not wait to lose valuable time and money, before both of you realize that something can not be done. And yes, a professional client will appreciate it, if not immediately, in the future for sure.