3 reasons why 84% of companies undergo digital transformation


According to Forbes, 7 out of 8 digital transformations fail. The problem lies in the fact that companies are not transformed from start to finish, but are trying to get stuck in processes, small engagements, or plans that do not include all employees in the change. This is not a transformation, this is stagnation.
After some thorough research, it can be concluded that companies, other than making mistakes, make very expensive mistakes. Something like the old saying, wanting too much to save, you always pay double.

What are the most common mistakes of a seemingly super-cursed project, can they reach?

Do not invest in the experience the client wants

Successful projects have never been built up easily and the process is not shiny. Successful projects exist to give real value to customers. What is it that fills in need, satisfaction and support while the buyer moves through his or her customer journey? The quantitative and qualitative methods in this case are most needed, although they sound bored and monotonous. Such are the analysis of the project, the research of the buyers, the sales funnel from start to finish.

It is not planned measurably and smartly

Failure to plan involves the possibility of large costs, deferred or abandoned projects, or translating lost customers and giving preference to competitors to progress. How to avoid this? Through clear definition of project requirements and deadlines. Understand and anticipate all the rates that need to be made, for the company to start approaching a successful transformation. These details should be clearly specified at the very start.

Restriction with technology

Perhaps one of the main reasons. The reason that suppresses innovation, the ideas of employees. Most often, companies have been using one type of software for years, and they see each new change as a big expense, first to maintain and then educate employees. Some services and data bases do not generate growth at all, leading to suboptimal results and unsuccessful projects. The change can start top-down or bottom-up, through top management or employees.