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Tag: developer

Being More Efficient as a Designer / Developer

The thought of learning an entirely new blogging platform was inspiring and seemed like a good excuse to expand my skillset.

What is the difference between Front-end and Back-end?

If you have already begun learning web development, you've probably already heard about front-end and back-end programming.

The role of the Back-End Web Developer

Your web site or web application is a pile of layers, structure, design, and content, and functionality.

How to win an interview for a Front-end developer

Be open, communicative and do not be afraid to explain your thinking process. If that means you go to the board and draw diagrams, even better.

5 not so hidden secrets to work as a web developer

Are you thinking of entering the wildlife of web development? Congratulations! It's a great time to start and even if you do not come with computer science experience.

Developers – features of those goodies (It’s not a horoscope)

Though you think that all you need is to be smart, however, developers have some characteristic features that have nothing to do with writing...

Why and how any developer can be a good manager

Being a manager is really difficult. That's why almost 12 thousand books on this subject have been written. Well, you know the work with computer...